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Offering Date

Sunday, April 20, 2025

Offering Goal

$4 Million

Toby’s Tob Dog

Savings Challenge

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Savings Challenge

“How-To” Build a Book

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The Save Our Children Campaign is the lifeline of the Children’s Ministries on both the district and national levels. Beginning in 1973, it is one of the youngest divisional fund drives in the UPCI. Half of all SOC funds stay within the district for the promotion and advancement of Children’s Ministries work there. The other half of the SOC money goes to headquarters for the furtherance of the national Children’s Ministries work.

The following projects are supported with SOC funds:

Toby’s Top Dog Club

Many young people have discovered their passion for God’s Kingdom by getting personally involved in life-giving Save Our Children fundraising via Toby’s Top Dog Club. The Children in your church can be involved in this exciting contest as we challenge our Apostolic children to live sacrificially and become a generation of givers.

Here’s How it works!

Your Goal

What You Win
